His name is Jonathan Edward Lee.
He is a designer 👨‍💻,
coffee-aficionado ☕️, thought-writer 💭
& full-time maker of things

Believes that fortune favours the bold. An ardent traveller. Has visited 30+ countries. Polyglot-wannabe. Sometimes an introvert. Dedicated coffee drinker. Owns way too many fonts. Believes Ampersand (&) is the most beautiful character ever made by humankind. Currently learning how to code. Plans to build a coffee shop by the sea in his hometown so he can wake up to the smell of coffee roasting and the sounds of ocean waves.

A bookworm in heart, a wanderer in mind, a designer in reality.

find him wandering around München 🥨

Subscribe to Thoughts.

Here are some of his random thoughts ✨ during those sleepless nights 🌜
